Sunday, November 04, 2007

In Your Back Yard. 359 15th Street

It's aways nice to hear from our other reader. Especially when they send along these great rear window's view photos of the unbuilding of 359 15th Street. Last week we gave you a veiled glimpse through the sheer netting that covers the front facade. This week we go from behind to get another peek at just what's up in the rear. When you are ready, gentle reader, we may even show you something from "Behind the Green Tarp". But not yet, be patient, you're not ready.

So what are you looking at!

Just discovered the bones of the Virgin Mary while excavating next door? We publish some of the best amateur architectural photography on the web. So if you're the Madame Defarge archivist type who sees the executioner's basket as half empty. then feel free to send us your photos with a brief but bitter description being sure to include all the sordid details, flashbacks eagerly appreciated. We love to see and hear about what you are currently seeing and hearing. Because, damn it, if you just have to look at it everyday, don't you think the rest of the world should have to as well?

Here's where.

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