Monday, June 01, 2009

Out of the hole. 1638 8th Avenue raises its iron.

Started in 2001, now eight epic years in the making, The Bobker Groups 1638 8th Avenue has finally begun to erect its iron skeleton within the poured concrete foundation. The unusual lot extends some 347 feet between Prospect Avenue and Windsor Place. Karl Fischer is the architect of record.  

We are expecting 27 condo units in all, to be built two stories (30') in height with some kind of additional Board of Standards and Appeals approved R5 residential zone bending roof decking to cap them off. Twenty off-street parking spaces have been approved with curb cuts on Eighth Avenue .  As always click on the pics to enlarge.

Click here: Visit the IMBY Archives for past posts on 1638 8th Avenue.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Don't I see three stories in all the artist renderings ?
