Sunday, December 21, 2008

155-161 15th Street losing its religion.

Fourth Avenue and 15th Street: The Norwegian Evangelical (Free) Church in this 1930 photograph
is in the foreground. Directly next door and up 15th St., you can just make out the peaked roof line and two of the three round roman arches that composed the front facade of the Polish National Catholic Church of the Holy Cross or P.N.C.C.H.C. for you faithful regulars.


In February of 2007, the then vacated Polish National Catholic Church of the Holy Cross was sold to a Queens developer (155 15th Street, LLC) for $3.85 million. The sale also included an adjacent rectory and parking lot. In all the project's site contained some 22,532 buildable square feet. That's $170.87 per square foot. Demolition followed soon after.

Michael Gadaleta of M/G Architects has the permits to build a brand new five story, 21 unit building with accessory off street parking for 14 cars in the cellar. Total Ordained Floor Area=37,036

Anyone interested in their progress? Here's a brief photographic history for you foundation freaks who just love the hole. The last two pics are recent.

Here's another IMBY link:

"A look forward at The Norwegian Evangelical (Free) Church, Fourth Avenue and 15th Street, Brooklyn"

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