Monday, January 14, 2008

Slowly, and Sorely Missed.

The masons have left and work has all but stopped at 406 15th Street. Progress on the Armory Plaza is at a stand still.

Behind the scenes several lawsuits are working their way through Brooklyn's court system. I have refrained from discussing any of them. Frankly I don't know that much as to what's been going on. However, one case in particular could be the reason behind our recent weeks of solitude. It may be that a judge has granted a Temporary Restraining Order preventing any work to continue on the Armory Plaza until 1502 8th Avenue is protected from the threat of any further damage. It seems like certain conditions must be met before the TRO can be removed. These might include that the neighboring building is to be shored up and the foundation eventually underpinned. Not as easy as it sounds. There is only a small alley between the two buildings and the holes for the steel tube pilings were bored down some 60 feet along the property line. The multi-cellared basement is more than 30 feet deep. If the old stone foundation of 1502 has been compromised during the boring process, how is it possible to find undisturbed ground beneath it and successfully underpin? Excavate to below the pilings? Sixty feet? Seems like a daunting task... now.

According to the Department of Buildings web site several building permits have been acquired by Immobiliaria Construction Corp. to complete the work. It's hard to know for sure but this company may be the same company that did the original boring and foundation work for the Armory Plaza. Demarara Engineering is the company hired by the LoCiceros to supervise their previous excavation work.
I wonder if this required underpinning will continue on down the property line to include the vacated 1504 8th Avenue, the Memorial Baptist Church, or even the properties cracking along the 16th Street line?

Permits: Demarara Engineering and IMMOBILIARIA CONSTRUCTION CORP Temporary Shoring Sidewalk Shed Scaffolding Facade Repair

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