Thursday, November 22, 2007

Plans Approved for 18-20 Jackson Place.

hen I see that great big blackboard-like tar papered wall on Jackson Place I expect to see Bart Simpson (or Mark Zeldin) standing on a tall ladder, chalk in hand, writing over and over again,
"Mother Nature is not a licensed NYC demolition contractor."
Examiners from the Department of Buildings have approved new plans submitted by local Architect Leonard Colchamiro PC, AIA on behalf of the owner of the property, Mr. Zelden, to build a 33 foot tall, 5,972 square foot, 3 story with cellar, brick veneered building on his recently vacated lot.
The plans call for 5 units of housing, including 522 square feet (3 spaces) for off -street covered parking. Jackson Place is zoned R5B and is a very narrow street running parallel to 7th Avenue.
Permits have not been issued yet. Right now there are still two Environmental Control Board Violations in default with $7,500 in unpaid fines. One additional ECB Violation is still pending.

ECB Violation ECB Violation

Brownstoner history recalls how great the fall could be.

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