Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Park Slope South to Lose More Wood

361 13th Street readies for demolition.

24' =The kiss of death.
Twenty four is the magic number.  That's the minimal street front width required by real property developers in order to build something profitable within the South Slope's R6B zoning rules.

Modest 361 13th Street awaits its demise, as a pre-demo;ition application has been filed.   This "1920" two story semi-detached wood frame home sold this past July for the tear down price of $795,000.   Once it's obliterated, it will allow for construction of our typical  50' tall, four family infill condo building,  the kind sprung all over Brooklyn in the last decade.

This residential 24'wide by 100' deep lot is about as big as they come in the neighborhood.  In 2006, just down the slope at 353 13th Street,  Marie Grasso's infamous MMG Contracting wrecked a similar 2 story woody to make way for a Betancorp 50' tall 4 story ( with mezzanines) condo completed in 2008.

Currently no building plans have been filed and no permits have been issued for Thirteenth St.  BAHRAM TEHRANI and BTE DESIGN SERVICES are filing this job.  Anyone know what the future holds?

As required, literate rats are given notice.   "The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese."
Betancorp developed this property at 353 13th Street.        2008 sales records indicate all 4 units sold for a total of $4,253,000.

Q.  Just what is required to demolish a house in NYC?
A.  Many government agencies and lots of paper work.

For example... There is the Department of Buildings, The B.E.S.T. Squad, The Environmental Protection Agency (asbestos testing), NY Fire Department and The Department of Transportation just to name a few.  The local Coimmunity Board as well as all adjoining neighbors have to be notified.
There is also Con Ed, Brooklyn Union and Verizon as the building's utilities, all the wires, lines and pipes, have to be disconnected prior to the start of work.. And don't forget about the rats.

Sample paper work:

 Each contractor must notify the Department of Buildings' Building Enforcement Safety Team 24 hours before demolition. The premises must be enclosed, a sidewalk shed must be erected if required, and all glass must be removed.

For all buildings 15 feet tall or more, a sign stating the contractors' name, address and phone number must be posted. No demolition of a building or structure shall commence until a permit (e) Requirements for demolition permits.
(1) A complete application shall be filed Department, along with all the necessary reports and certifications.
(2) The building or structure, or affected part thereof, shall be vacant and unoccupied.
(3) All gas, electric, water, steam or other supply lines shall be disconnected and certifications by the respective utility companies or agency to that effect are to be filed pursuant to Administrative Code
§27-168. Where the use of electricity or water is required during demolition, such electric or water lines as are necessary may be maintained provided they are protected as required by the Departments of Building and Environmental Protection; provided further that the consent of the utility company is filed for the maintenance of the electric service and a certification is filed from the Bureau of Water Supply of the Department of Environment Protection that a permit for the use of water in the demolition has been issued.
(4) The building or structure shall be treated effectively for the extermination of rats and a certification shall filed to that effect by a licensed exterminator or the Health Department. (5) Where a sidewalk shed is required a permit for its erection shall be obtained and the sidewalk shed erected in accordance with Administrative Code §27-1021.
(6) Where renewal for an application for a sidewalk shed or other protective structure listed in §26-252(a) of the Administrative Code of the City of New York and pursuant to §27-1021 of the Administrative Code is required, such application must be signed by the owner of the affected property.
(7) A permit will not be issued if the applicant demolition contractor has outstanding violations of the Building Code on other demolition jobs where such applicant (i) has failed to respond to notices of violation of an administrative tribunal issued for such violations within the time required by law and has failed to cure such default and/or (ii) has failed to appear on the return date or dates or any subsequent return date or dates of any summonses issued in a criminal proceeding for such violations and has failed to remedy such non-appearance and/or (iii) has failed to comply with orders to correct such violations and/or (iv) has failed to certify such correction to the department within the time required by law and has failed to remedy such
§8-01 Commencement of Demolition. (a) Definition. (1) Commencement of demolition. Commencement of demolition shall mean the removal of partitions, ceilings, flooring, windows, piping and fixtures for plumbing and heating or any component parts of a vacant building or structure to be demolished. The removal of interior wood doors shall not be considered commencement of demolition. (2) Heavy duty and light duty sidewalks sheds. A sidewalk shed is for heavy duty use or light duty use.
(i) Aheavydutysidewalkshedisdesignedtocarrya live load of at least 300 pounds per square foot (psf). Live load, including storage of materials, shall not exceed 300 psf unless the sidewalk shed is designed to carry a live load greater than 300 psf, and an application for a permit thereof is filed by a licensed architect or engineer and approved by the Department.
(ii) A light duty sidewalk shed is designed to carry a live load of at least 150 pounds per square foot. Storage of materials of any kind is not permitted on light duty sheds.
(b) No demolition of a building or structure shall commence until a complete application has been filed and a permit has been obtained from the Department of Buildings.
(c) Prior to filing of an application for a demolition permit, the applicant must submit a pre-demolition report to the Department and obtain a pre-demolition inspection and sign-off by the Department.
(d) Posting of signs. (1) Prior to the filing of an application for a demolition permit, the demolition contractor shall post a sign in a readily visible location on the front of the building to be demolished or on the sidewalk shed or other protective structure listed in §26-252(a) of the Administrative Code of the City of New York adjacent to such building with the following information:
Demolition Contractor
Name of the Contractor
Business Address
Business Telephone No.
Department of Buildings Complaint Number Date of Expiration of Sidewalk Shed Permit, if applicable
A space shall be reserved on the sign for the posting of the demolition permit
(2) Where a sidewalk shed is erected, the sign shall also state whether it is a heavy duty sidewalk shed or light duty
Rules and Regulations
sidewalk shed. If the shed is for light duty use, the sign shall include the statement that storage is not permitted on the shed. (3) After a demolition permit is obtained, the sign shall also contain a copy of the approved demolition permit.
(4) The sign shall be posted prior to the commencement of demolition, shall measure 25 square feet and the lettering shall be block lettering with a minimum height of three inches. The sign shall be posted upon the wall or fence or shed and shall be of contrasting color from the background. No sign shall be required when the building to be demolished does not exceed 15 feet in height. The sign must be in place 24 hours prior to commencement of any demolition activity and remain visible at the site until all work is completed.
(5) Other than as set forth above and in 1 RCNY §27-03, there shall be no other information, pictorial representations, or any business or advertising messages posted on the sidewalk shed or bridge or other structure listed in §26-252(a) of the Administrative Code which is erected at the demolition site.

A permit allows placement of a commercial refuse container at a specific location for up to five days. If a container is filled and needs to be exchanged for another container within the permit’s five-day timeframe, the carting company would not need to secure another permit. A second container added to the original location would require a separate permit.         Please note, all other requirements for placement of commercial refuse containers as per Section 2-14 (f) of the DOT Highway Rules remain in effect including:
Commercial refuse containers are containers placed on the public roadways temporarily, the use of which is not related or connected to any use or activity for which a Department of Buildings permit and/or a construction activity permit from the Department of Transportation.
Commercial refuse containers shall not be used for the storage of putrescible waste. Commercial refuse containers shall not be stored or placed within:
(i) any "No Stopping," "No Standing", "No Parking Anytime", or "Authorized Parking" areas;
(ii) fifteen feet of hydrants;
(iii) the area created by extending the building line to the curb (the "corner") or the area from ten feet from either side of the corner (the "corner quadrant");
(iv) a crosswalk or pedestrian ramp, nor shall it be stored or placed in any manner so as to obstruct any crosswalk or pedestrian ramp;
(v) five feet of railroad tracks.
The name, address and telephone number of the owner of the container shall be permanently affixed in characters at least three inches high both on the side of the container that faces the sidewalk area and also on the opposite side that faces the street, with such display being in a color contrasting with that of the container and placed approximately midway vertically.
Each container shall be stored parallel to the curb and extend no more than nine feet from the curb into the roadway.
The street shall be protected with proper covering (e.g., planking, skids, plating, or pneumatic tires) to prevent damage before containers are placed on the street. Protection shall be placed directly under each steel wheel or roller of the container to adequately distribute the weight. Placement of all protection shall be done upon delivery by the owner of the container. All planking and skids for containers shall be a minimum of 11/2" to a maximum of 3" thick. Overall size of the protective covering shall be a minimum of 12" x 12" and the placement of the protective covering shall not exceed the outer dimensions of the container..  


EPA Pre-demolition File
DOB Pre-demolition File

1 comment:

  1. All too familiar. We have the misfortune of being next to an attached frame rowhouse coming down soon. We share a roof, foundation et al., but this seems unlikely to deter the new owners. Scary.
