Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Another Karl Fisher for 182 15th Street?

A new chain link fence has been installed in front of the old dilapidated wooden one that has surrounded the dead construction site at 182 15th Street for... Has it been years already? New building permits have been posted. Some kind of excavation is under way judging by this recent 311/DOB complaint registered on the eighteenth of November.

The Wound

The infamous 182 15th Street, the above pictured gaping hole in the ground, is what remains of the aborted twin sister of "The Vue".
If not for a vigilant, pitch-fork-yielding, community led R6 to R6B Down Zoning, and the citizen financed Board of Standards and Appeals knock down drag out court battle that followed, Isac Katan and Scarrano/Radusky (paternity was never determined) would likely be celebrating their twelve story love child's second birthday by now.

Healing Bedsores.
So the now owner Abe Loffler?, or 15th Street Developers LLC, has seemingly resurrected Karl Fisher's pre approved plans from July of 2004 in order to repackage 31 new dwelling units into a R6B compliant, 4 story, 50 foot tall, 74,385 square foot container. The new building will have 123 linear frontage on 15th St. and another 97 linear feet on 16th Street between Fourth and Fifth Avenues. All previous plans for the Katan developed site were recently withdrawn on October 2nd of this year.

The question remains as to how much of the hastily poured almost-grandfathered-in foundation will they be able to reuse.

My thoughts go out to those families living near this site for the next four years. I expect they have all charged up those camcorder batteries expecting the worst.

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