Friday, September 26, 2008

575 Fifth Avenue Stop Work Order *blink* Rescinded.

Equipment at rest.

For a very brief moment in time, a Full Stop Work Order was served on the Fifth Avenue Committee's Affordable Housing construction site this past Tuesday the 23rd. Dreaded D.o.B. paper work was taped to the corrugated metal construction fence surrounding the old municipal parking lot as proof. But then, just as suddenly, it was replaced by an official Stop Work Order Rescinded notice. Most likely a problem with their paper work, and not construction related.

False alarm?
I am worried though, about the "house shaking" complaint. No doubt caused by the pounding during the demolition and removal of the existing asphalt. I know first hand how unsettling the tremors can feel. When the glassware starts clinking in the cabinets, thoughts of doom start filling your head. Might be time for that homeowner to start boxing up those fragile keepsakes.

Shoring to follow ground breaking.

There is evidence that some previous building structure existed on that site. You can see the remains of a substantial brick foundation along the 16th Street side of the excavation. Lets hope the engineers have performed all their necessary geotechnical tests and boring samples. The neighborhood has already had it's fair share of heartbreak. We don't need any more unforeseen emergency evacuations.

Weekend Update: Looks like a variance permit has been issued to allow pile driving on Saturday. Not a very good start. Can't think of a quicker way to to alienate the neighborhood.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:55 PM

    16th & 5th was the site of the old72nd Police Precinct building. See a picture here (scroll down):
