Wednesday, December 12, 2007

8th Avenue Armory transformation sure and steady.

South Park Slope Armory almost breaks a sweat.
The conversion from National Guard Drill Hall into a world class multi-purpose athletic, recreational, and educational center looks to be entering into the final "punch list" stage.
Last month contractors finished setting new stone steps and entrance doors on the 15th Street side of the building. New track flooring appears to be down and the balcony seating installed. They have been leaving the lights blazing ( SPF-30 protection recommended) all night long which at first I assumed meant that workers were at it 24/7 in order to make up for lost time, but that does not seem to be the case. Earlier in the summer their was a rumor that it was to open this past September in time for the new school year. I guess it's like all major renovation work. The closer one comes to finishing, the slower the work seems to progress. Regardless of the completion date, this $20 million creative/adaptive reuse of a historic building, is turning out to be just spectacular.

If I ever exercised, I'd want to do it here.

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