Thursday, December 27, 2007

1502 Eighth Avenue facade repair planned.

What more is there to say. We took our eyes off the ball for a week in order to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and totally missed the latest Stop Work Order Violation to be charged against the Armory Plaza. Recent activity on the Department of Buildings web site shows that on December 17th inspectors closed the site down for unsafe working conditions specifically "NO GUARDRAILS AROUND ELEVATOR SHAFTS STAIRWELLS THROUGH-OUT" and "BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FENCE IS LEANING OUT OF BEAMS 3'FT x 20'FT OF FENCE". Three days later, on the 20th, inspectors returned to the site to find everything hunky dorey and fully rescinded the Stop Work Order. That would explain why the masons packed up and left so suddenly. The owners have been issued a couple of new DoB violations.

Facade Repairs

Also of interest, engineers hired by the owners of 1502 8th Avenue have filed for the installation of 96 linear feet of heavy duty pipe scaffolding in preparations for repairs to their building's facade. It was only a matter of time. The building sits directly on the corner of 15th Street and 8th Ave. and shares a side party wall with the still vacated, partly disassembled, 1504 8th Ave.

IMBY is r e a l l y not as vigilant as it used to be. We're getting to the point where no news is got to be better news than what we are used to hearing. So... when the fire department showed up at the site, we assumed it had something to do with the way the workers burn the wood pallets in metal drums to stay warm... or, maybe to pump water out of the flooded basement as they did last summer on water logged foundation sites around Brooklyn, but I never gave their arrival a second thought until I saw it was in response to a complaint about someones building "shaking/vibrating/structural stability affected". Was it someone who resides at 1502 8th Avenue who made the 101th call? There are three new crack monitors attached to the masonry wall above the entrance. Not a good omen.
It seems that 2007 will go out the same way it came in. Which reminds us that we need to get started on our highlights recap of the last 365 days of IMBY Armory Plaza construction coverage.

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