Monday, May 28, 2007

Inside the Mind of Mossad

Information Paradox

This past Saturday, The Armory Plaza Gang was able to bend the time space continuum by simultaneously securing an After Hours Work Variance Permit while still under a DoB sanctioned Partial Stop Work Order that was to prevent any work within 25 feet of the Eastern lot line. The spiralling Black Hole on 15th street threatens to suck the DoB along with all surrounding properties into its vortex of shame.

Balancing public safety against public sanity

Property owners on 16th Street can't understand why a scofflaw developer should be rewarded with extended working hours at the expense of the neighborhood's quality of life. We only get 8 days of mechanical excavation-free peace and quite per month over here. Was this some kind of emergency response that couldn't wait until Memorial Day? Are the pilings moving Mr. Mossad? Are the neighboring properties in danger? Because that would start to explain all the recent settlement damage to our properties. The damage that DoB inspectors can't, no won't, see.

The weekend variance issued to Immobliliara Builders Corp. specifically details cellar work to "prepare matte foundations in sub levels of job site to stabilize the foundation walls". The extra eight hours of backhoe noise accomplished little more than the spreading of a few inches of gravel over a plastic mat along one side of the pit. A few inches of gravel is not going to make those 36 foot deep walls any more secure. Some pictures of the recent remedial work.

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