Tuesday, October 10, 2006

DoB Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #10/88

Brooklyn's 14th Regiment Armory WWI Doughboy stands guard.

The Armory is a designated landmark that is within 90 feet of the current excavation/foundation work going on across the street at 406-408 15th Street and deserves the highest level of our protection, especially seeing that it is now undergoing a $16 million restoration. Vibration monitors must be installed as soon as possible. The Department of Buildings own Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #10/88 spells out exactly what is required and should be done to protect the Armory and the surrounding 100+ year old homes.

I have been told that these TPPN's are constantly being ammended over time. Anyone know whether this particular one is still in use? What damage/vibration/noise control are they currently using down at the World Trade Center site?

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